Jessica Baguchinsky: I’m In!


What do you do when a crazy opportunity presents itself? If you are Jessica Baguchinsky, you leap and let the net appear!! In her own, unique , beautiful, calming yet GO FOR IT vibe, she will inspire you to do the same!! In her chapter I’m In! she shares both the tough times and the incredible ones that resulted from her jumping on board!! From her travels, her career, her adventurous spirit, her entrepreneurial endeavors to her resilience and tenacity, inspiring is actually a huge UNDERSTATEMENT!!

Pre-Order the complete special limited-edition Inspired Girl Anthology, Magnificently Made by clicking “Add to Cart” below! It is collection of 33 stories, beautifully bound in a hardcover, 424-full color satin page book releasing on 11/11/23.  Only available for Pre-Order while supplies last!! 

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